Exhibitor FAQs

What are the dates, location, and hours of the Spring Trade Expo?

The Spring Trade Expo will take place at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center in Ocean City, MD from Sunday, March 8 to Monday, March 9, 2026.

2026 Exhibit Hall Hours: 

  • Sunday, March 8 - 11am to 5pm 
  • Monday, March 9 - 10am to 4pm 


  • Friday & Saturday, March 6 & 7 - 9am to 5pm 
  • Sunday, March 8 - 9am to 11am 

Move Out 

  • Monday, March 9 - 4pm to 7pm 
  • Tuesday, March 10 - 8am to Noon

What is included with my booth space?

Show management will provide the following booth equipment: 

  • Back & Side Drapes (black & white) 
  • (1) Trash Can 
  • (1) 6" x 30" Sign 
  • (2) Chairs 
  • (1) 6 ft. UNDRAPED table - 6' x 30" high 
  • (1) 110 Volt Outlet (500 watts)

How do I order extra services (table drapes, electric, carpet, etc.)?

These services and more can be ordered through the Convention Center. Click here to view the form.

Is there an Attendee list available to Exhibitors?

Exhibitors will receive the Attendee list for FREE after the Expo once they complete our survey. Please be aware of fraudulent companies falsely claiming to sell attendee lists for the Expo. We do not share or sell attendee information to any third parties. If you are contacted by a company offering attendee lists, it is a scam, simply delete. 

How do I recognize buyers vs. guests?

Very easily! We color-code the badges so that you can quickly identify decision-makers! Look for the color bar at the bottom of the badge. 

Badge Holder Color:

  • Exhibitor................................... Clear with Lanyard 
  • Buyer......................................... Blue 
  • Guest......................................... Green

How many Exhibitor badges do I receive with my booth?

Each Exhibitor receives 10 badges per booth. Sign up here.

How do I order lead retrieval?

This service can be ordered through the Trade Show Leads company with Tom Schleisman. Click here to view the form.

Is there Wi-Fi provided?

The Wi-Fi which is complimentary in the Convention Center is not a secure network. If you would like a high-speed connection via ethernet, which is secure, you must order that through the Exhibitor Service Order Form. Click here to view.

Can I ship my booth materials to the Expo at the Convention Center?

The Ocean City Convention Center will receive and store your shipments no earlier than February 28th. ALL SHIPMENTS MUST BE PREPAID. Shipments will be received from 8:30am to 4:00pm on weekdays. Click here to view.

Where can I get ice?

Easton Ice sells ice from their booth #237 in Exhibit Hall A/B.

Can I store my perishable food items on-site?

A refrigerated/freezer truck will be available to Exhibitors at NO charge. It is stationed at the North Loading Dock and the guard keeps the key and a list of all users. Please let us know prior to the Expo if you need storage - space reservations must be made through our office by calling (410) 289-6733.

Do you provide security?

The management will provide security for the building during move-in, move-out, and the hours of the Trade Expo. The Exhibitor must have an attendant in charge of his/her exhibit during the hours that the Trade Expo is open to trade Attendees. No one is permitted in the Convention Center after closing hours. We recommend Exhibitors remove valuable and/or portable items from booths during non-show hours.

Where can I take a break during the show?

For your comfort, an Exhibitor's Lounge is located on the second level of the Convention Center in room 213. Complimentary sodas and coffee are provided as well as a place to rest your feet.

What if I want to leave early?

The show is open until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, you are not permitted to break down early. Respect your neighboring booths! If you are found to be breaking down early, it could cause you to lose booth priorities at next year's Expo. 

Are kids allowed at the Expo?

Because of the high volume of alcohol displayed, NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 21 will be admitted into the Expo, under any circumstances, including working your booth. This policy is strictly enforced, and proof of age may be required. WE HAVE ARRANGED FOR A COMPLIMENTARY BABYSITTING SERVICE during show hours.