Time to Make $en$e Out of All the Data! From Amadeus TravelClick

HSMAI and Amadeus present:  How to make $en$e of All the Data - The team at Amadeus collaborated with HSMAI DC for a fun Webinar recently, showing how hotels actually use Amadeus forward-looking data to make better decisions, forecasts, and action plans when managing their hotels!  A recording of the session is at this link:

https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/RTYrnEjfQMvwAG1dU6DR8n4GWr4r6iCkENHaLpwP6cwdFKn3c7zDuAuBIZHc0TSA.UV-9HAi-BTW8mGL6  Passcode: H0$Ow3wL